per year. This fee will increase to $25.00 per year on March 31, 1990 as central Phoenix phone lines are added. Non-members access is $45.00. This BBS will be run on a MacIIsi with a nubus card that allows up to 4 additional modems. The BBS will allow up to 6 lines and on line conferencing will be a future feature. Registered users are allowed 45 minutes per day, transfer speeds of up to 38,400bps
(with a Hayes Ultra), 9600 v.32, or 2400/1200bps. Only local mail is provided for under the AMUG Preferred system but the iconic interface, extended time, Hayes Ultra compatibility, private file/message mail boxes and larger file access will make it the choice of many. If you are interested in joining AMUG Preferred follow these steps:
1). Dial in at 8-1-N at (602) 926-4026.
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2). Download the User Software with the D command.
3). Auto-uncompress the package and double click on Telefinder.
4). Use a name of Guest and a password of Guest. Click the Dial button.
5). Try this new program at up to 38,400 baud on a Hayes Ultra modem or any other modem at lesser speeds.
6). AMUG members interested in joining may send $15 to AMUG at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234. Non-members will be $30 for access. Preferred membership is supplied on an